Sm-ART Youth Project 2015-2018

Partnering Organization

The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC)

Project Period

The first 3-year cycle was completed in 2015 and now the second cohort has begun their Sm-ART journey in Sept 2015 until 2018.


40 students in P4 to P6

  • First 3-year cycle: St Bonaventure Catholic Primary School & Sheng Kung Hui Kei Fook Primary School
  • Second 3-year cycle: St Bonaventure Catholic Primary School & St Joseph Primary School

What is Sm-ART Youth Project?

Through a three-year journey of year-round exposure to diverse arts disciplines in and outside of the classroom, Sm-ART Youth enables underprivileged children to nurture a questioning mind, to understand the self and beyond, and to locate meaning in their young lives.

Sm-ART Youth empowers these children to grow in confidence and life skills. Students show increased initiative, creativity and problem-solving skills.

This programme is founded on the concept of inter-generational teaching and learning with volunteer training and contribution.

3-Year programme structure

Year 1 (Bronze)

Knowing the arts, the self & learning to question

Students begin exposure to music, art and drama performances, learning skills like how to question without fear and using their imaginations.

Year 2 (Silver)

Exploring the arts further, linking & understanding classroom to performances

Students go deeper with their learning, continuing meaningful learning dialogue with tutors.

Year 3 (Gold)

Setting goals for an action plan, developing & completing an arts project

Students finesse the skills of creating, following an action plan, developing and completing an Individual Project to graduate from Sm-ART Youth. Awards are given to those with special achievements.

Videos: Documentary & Visual Diaries

Sm-ART Youth Documentary

Visual Diary 1: Sm-ART Youth Graduates

Visual Diary 2: Trainees

Visual Diary 3: Volunteers

Visual Diary 4: Year end

Inter-generational teaching and learning

  • Adult and youth volunteers are trained to guide the students in their activities.
  • MA trainees from HKU do 1 year practicums with Sm-ART Youth towards their degree.
  • Experts such as Nancy Loo and Priscila Chu are engaged as Key Arts Educators for quality educational experiences.

Project evaluation

Quantitative and qualitative data are collected from students, parents, art educators, teachers and volunteers to assess the impact of the programme on children’s educational, personal, social and aesthetic development.

This project was quoted by the Korea Arts and Cultural Education Service (KACES) as Best Practice Model and is a Star Project under UNESCO’s Arts in Education Observatory at the Hong Kong Institute of Education.


First 3-year cycle

  • 39  P4-6 students
  • 181  hours of after-school activities for students
  • 71  adult volunteers and Sm-ART Youth Leaders
  • 60  hours of training for volunteers
  • 128  hours of Cultural Day activities


“Too many children live in limbo, caught between the public housing estate and school. Poverty should not dampen their starting point in life. Sm-ART Youth hopes to contribute through teaching them effective, critical and creative thinking beyond skills.”

Lynn Yau, CEO, AFTEC

“Before Sm-ART Youth, I was arrogant and always thought that my ideas were better than others. Now I understand that everyone has his/her own strengths.”

Wah Tsz Wai, Sm-ART Youth student

“We care for each individual student. We want to help them to find their own way to acquire and express, develop their characters and become a genuine life-long learner.”

Priscila Chu, Arts Educator

“This programme widened my horizons. I learned to appreciate arts and express myself. With imagination and more observation, it is not hard to uncover the beauty in things.”

Iris Yan, Sm-ART Youth volunteer

“Children of the Sm-ART Youth Project are like sponges nourished by water. In an environment of love and acceptance, they experiment and struggle, and try their best to form their own shape.”

Zoe So, Master of Expressive Arts, HKU

“I’ve become better equipped. I see more in arts now than before. I’ve become a better person.”

Sm-ART Youth volunteer

“They gained class management skills and learnt to build positive class atmosphere.”

Sm-ART Youth Project Final report 2014-15

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