Art for All
September 2013 to June 2015
Elders with early dementia, their carers and the staff
Methodist Epworth Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, Chai Wan
Elders’ artistic and imaginative responses can remain strong for years after the onset of dementia. Quality art workshops can re-energise and inspire these elders, bringing joy to their lives and providing opportunities for quality time with their caregivers and loved ones.
In this project 36 self-expressive art sessions, including painting, life-sized self-portraits, ink collage, movement and photography, were conducted to encourage elders to reflect on their life stories, and then “narrate and create” their artwork.
To assess the impact of participation in self-expressive arts on the elderly, Dr Anna Hui of City University of Hong Kong conducted a study, collecting quantitative and qualitative data from the intervention and control groups.
The study revealed that active engagement in creative and artistic activities can help maintain the cognitive function of the intervention group, and sustained their creative abilities and personalities. Interviews with the caregivers also reflected positive outcomes in their daily lives.